June 10, 2008

i am back!

aku sudah kembaLi...its gOod tO be hOme again after One whOLe week kat terengganu..at Last SUKMA 12 da seLesai tapi aku sangat-sangat sedih La cOz i mEt a Lot of new frEns and kene berpisah Lak..well,setiap pertemuan tue ade mesti ade perpisahannye,anda kene paham kOnsep tue,LyNn..trip pergi terengganu nie rase macam terapi 4 me..meeting new peOpLe in my sO-caLLed cOmfOrt+safe zOne [envirOment shOoting] memang just the thing that i need after sO many things yang da terjadik.aLthOugh i did nOt get a Lot of new fLings as i pLanned/wanted tO,but i stiLL feeL Okay,seriOusLy!rase serOnOk and feeLing Like myseLf again.sekarang aku nak jadik seOrang yg baru.i want tO turned intO a new and fresh Leaf.start skewL bLek je aku nak study betuL2,wanna be a gOod persOn 4 my reLigiOn,dOn't want tO hurt anyOne anymOre.and yang paLing penting,i dOn't want tO be hurt anymOre.aku dah tinggaLkan semua 'misery' aku kat terengganu and nOw i am ready tO start aLL Over.optimist-optimist!!!!nO-mOre pesimist!!!hOoray!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aku akan sokong perubahan kau