August 22, 2009


like i told you guys before,i changed my KAD PENGENALAN.
well, on friday i went to Putrajaya again to collect the new card.
they doesnt let us to keep the old card,so,i need to say goodbye to my old card.
"thanks deary card,you have been contributing alot in my life though sometimes (who am i kidding? all the times!) i've been ashamed of you."
as something to remember it, i snapped a picture of it.

do i look sad or depressed or whateversheets in this pic?

sooo effin bored in the car while waiting for my dad
finish his friday's prayers.

smelly feet??
nope,just some random snapshots!

wear your mask!!!
hate you H1N1!!!
despite my unstable emotion, H1N1 has been my most favourite excuse to declined some
soooo sorry guys,im just not really up to it..
bad timing

my dad!!!

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