June 25, 2008
a very busy week!!
June 23, 2008
June 22, 2008
S-I-R catastrophe!
June 20, 2008
satu hari yang nOrmaL+biase kat 5bEst'2008
::: cAndid On fikry and maL!!! taken by me mase keLas bahasa meLayu [puan hanim,she aLways giving me sOmething tO think very far and dEep.]
::: cAndid On pad and eika!! hAa,kOrg due buwat ape tue haa?? gOssip ye??tak ajak pun,pe stOry hOt?? :::
ini Lah ragAm and karenah dak-dak 5bEst pade waktu "terLuang".my pOint iz "kami sume bukanLah nerd-nerd seperti yang ramai Org sangke!!":::this prOved that we are aLL camera-freaks!!hEee..nO Lah..we are just human-beings that appreciate gOd's creatiOns and we express Our gratitude by taking Loads Of pics!! dear gOd,pLease bLess us..Aminn..
June 19, 2008
weird day at 5bEst' 08
June 17, 2008
trip garuda-bEstar
my pOint Of view
whiLe taking and Looking at these pics [1st and 2nd pic] i admit what puAn.hAnim Once tOLd us in the earLy 2008.she said that Our cLass's pOsitiOn is very gOod becAuse frOm there we can see the hiLL [Left-hand side we can see bukit besi] the hiLL is grEen and very sOothing tO the eyEs.what she said is true but fOr me i rather enjOy the view frOm the right-hand side.when the weather is grEat,we can see hOw the bLue sky cOntrast with the cOLour and shape of the apartments acrOss the schOoL.it is Like sOft [the sky] versus hArd [the apartments].but different peOpLe have different OpiniOn,maybe sOme pEopLe agree with puan hanim's idea and maybe sOme peOpLe agree with my idea.sO we can't expect everybOdy tO Listen and fOLLow what we want,we must Listen tO othErs tOo because maybe othEr peOpLe have better ideas.
sengaL crew
tapi i stiLL Loathes my other cLassmates tOo cume these pEeps are the Ones whO make my day cOmpLete,as if One of them is missing Or absent,i reaLLy feeL incOmpLete..fOr yOur everybOdy's infO this drawing is custOm made by syafiq!!on a chair at 5bEstari'2008..we can say it is vandeLism but hah whO cares..
June 15, 2008
mari-mari beLajar!
June 11, 2008
+ mid-term exam resuLt +
June 10, 2008
i am back!
aku sudah kembaLi...its gOod tO be hOme again after One whOLe week kat terengganu..at Last SUKMA 12 da seLesai tapi aku sangat-sangat sedih La cOz i mEt a Lot of new frEns and kene berpisah Lak..well,setiap pertemuan tue ade mesti ade perpisahannye,anda kene paham kOnsep tue,LyNn..trip pergi terengganu nie rase macam terapi 4 me..meeting new peOpLe in my sO-caLLed cOmfOrt+safe zOne [envirOment shOoting] memang just the thing that i need after sO many things yang da terjadik.aLthOugh i did nOt get a Lot of new fLings as i pLanned/wanted tO,but i stiLL feeL Okay,seriOusLy!rase serOnOk and feeLing Like myseLf again.sekarang aku nak jadik seOrang yg baru.i want tO turned intO a new and fresh Leaf.start skewL bLek je aku nak study betuL2,wanna be a gOod persOn 4 my reLigiOn,dOn't want tO hurt anyOne anymOre.and yang paLing penting,i dOn't want tO be hurt anymOre.aku dah tinggaLkan semua 'misery' aku kat terengganu and nOw i am ready tO start aLL Over.optimist-optimist!!!!nO-mOre pesimist!!!hOoray!!!