happy chinese new year everybody!!!
wahh,sudah lama aku tidak mengeluarkan karutan-karutan bernas di blog ku ini.aku baru saja pulang dari Jakarta.family trip lahh katekan.selama 4 hari aku berada di sana.meeting whole loads of new and interesting people.i mean,my newly found relatives from my mum's side.hmm,i always know my mum had so-called 'family bloodline' from there but i don't exactly expect to meet them in the flesh.haha.tak sangka aku dapat tengok ayah kepada atuk aku.bukanla jumpa orangnya coz that is kinda impossible to the fact that he is already rest peacefully [insyaallah] seven feet below the ground.ahah.aku dapat lihat gambarnya sahaja.original black and white picture fromthe old days lagi.wahh. my mum : Noor Hashimah bt Saadudin bin Ahmad bin ????
selama 17 tahun aku hidup,aku tak pernah tengok pun muka moyang [Ahmad] hanya dengar nama dan ceritanya [dari atuk aku dulu mase aku kecik-kecik,die selalu storykan kat aku] dan finally aku dapat tengok.ada la jugak rasa bangga kat dalam diri coz aku berpeluang untuk melihat nya,walaupun ia hanyalah sekeping foto lama.rupa-rupanya,family di sebelah ibuku berasal dari Pekan Baru,Indonesia.orang Melayu Riau. [i think?] banyak juga infomarsi yang aku dapat mengenai sejarah family aku tapi rasanya tak perlulah aku rungkaikan di sin.nanti kang buat pening sajep.aku sendiri pun hampir gila memahamkan segalanya.haha.anyways,i had loads of shopping fun and having fun meeting new cousins yang sangat best.nie yang lagi semangat nak story pasal my whole journey.
DAY ONE 24 january 2009bangun pagi yang sangat dreaded.walaupun excited nak pergi tapi waking up in the morning is soo not my stuff.ugh.not to mention sleepless night before.kenapa aku tidak boleh tidur?jeng-jeng-jeng.i was damn as hell WORRIED.begini ceritanya,for this trip,my dad give me the responsibility to booked the flight tickets and stuff.i did it online.but i don't know what wrong i did,the iternary and the invoice did not reached to my dad's email like it should.but my um's credict card has been deducted.adding more drama is my dad.lagi bertambah resah lah aku dibuatnya.aku takut nanti nama takde for that flight.perasaan aku masa bersiap-siap pagi tue is : excited + cuak + dreaded [not good in the mornings]. sampaikan i choose to wear a skirt for that day!!!sesungguhnya Liyana dan skirt merupakan combination yang mampu membuatkan orang ramai gelak berguling-guling kat lantai.aha.luggage semua nicely packed and we're off from our Puncak Jalil house.breakfastnya di luar aja.truly Malaysian breakfast,roti canai and nasi lemak.aku makan nasi lemak sebab aku adalah antara 47% rakyat Malaysia yang lebih gemarkan nasi lemak sebgai sarapan pagi.agak terkedek-kedek jalan kerana aku memakai jeans skirt.aduihs.sampai di LCCT and terus check-in luggage.dupp-dupp-dupp,nervous aku.aku duduk jauhh-jauh dari kaunter check-in tu.cuaks beb!dan finally both luggage dah selamat di-check-in-kan.haaa,lega sikit.tapi kan,honstly,aku masih rasa tak lega lagi.tak tau la kenapa.hang around the departure hall while waiting for the plane.telinga disumbat kan dengan mp3.lagu dishuffle one after another.pehh,nikmatnye rase cam kat live concert! sambil berbalas sms,just love technologies these days.and finally its time to fly.tagline
AirAsia : Now Everyone Can Fly membuatkan aku berfikir tentang banyak perkara.tak perlu aku ungkapkan di sini.haa,finally aku selamat duduk di seat AK0945.my sis was in the window seat.while waiting for the others to board,aku terlupa sesuatu.
aku : alamak long,angah lupe msj eika la.
akak aku: lehh,ko nie.
aku : fon da tutup.
akak aku : nah,amik nie [sambil menyuakan Nokia N81 nya]
aku [monolog dalaman] : huhu,nasib baik.
aku : thanks2 [sambil menaip secara franticnye]
a few minutes later..
akak aku : nie mesej eika..
mesej eika : haa,nanti dalam flight duduk diam2,jgn men lari2.nnti segan lk aku.
aku : huhu.aku mempunyai set of frens yang sangat menghiburkan.
okays,time to fly!ready and we're off.next to me was a very pertty girl.a chinese-indonesian girl who studied in Sunway College.she gone back for CNY holidays.seh told us a few interesting places to shop.good tips.this girl is those high-class indonesian.LV handbag,iPhone,anna sui makeups and a Sony vaio laptop! whoa,slow down on the brands there sister!
spend our whole flight journey chitt-chatting about interesting places in Jakarta we must visit.after 2hours we landed in Jakarta,the land of Malay origin.alhamdulilah.bid our new friend,Nini good bye and we took off as our uncle [pak tuo] and cousin sister [kak alia] were waiting for us outside the airport.this the first time we [me,my sis and bro] are going to meet our cousin sister after a few months my sis keep in touch with her tru YM.aha,dah macam jejak kasih dah aku rase.one funny thing happen,my dad is pushing the trolley with our bags on and suddenly a random man insisted to push it formy dad,my dad was stunned then my uncle said,"hamdan,nggak apa2,biar ini supirnya tolakin" haha.shud see the face on my dad.priceless!haha.so,from the airport we travelled to Pondok Pinang where we will be staying.our relatives house.being in the car after a plane ride was really disturbing plus the horrible traffic in Jakarta.ughh,i love KL jams better.after about 1hour,we reached Pondok Pinang.finally.the house aged 40 years and big.whoa,talk about history.the place is really homey.i like it.after freshen up myself a little bit.we sit down for a very scrumptious meal.and there's where my food journey of Jakarta begins.we are then joined by kak alia's other siblings: kak iin and kak ingkan then their mum,mak tuo [a really great cook] unfortunately,kak alia has to go in the office coz she has some important work to do.so me and my sis and my mum sembang-sembang with kak iin,kak ingkan and abg dennis [kak ingkan's husband,a dutch] having oo much fun talking to them.discovery: kak iin is in linguistic line,to be exact in english,so is her husband [abg idwan,piracy expert,haha] while kak ingkan is a lawyer [business law] and abg dennis hmm im not sure but he use an iPhone! hell yes..later that evening,me and my sis followed kak ingkan and abg dennis to Senayan Mall to look around.i end up buying my self two pair of shoes.aha.and we all have a desert adventure.bermula dengan ice-cream yogurt yang non-calorie then a night-tea at the Bakeinz having French pastries.notice the youngsters in Jakarta are worst the those in KL.and i survive Jakarta traffic!!!pehh,the traffic memang giler,nak lintas jalan pun rase cam nak mati.haha.then aroung 10-ish we went home.abg dennis's driving was cool.then when we arrived home,there guests waiting for us [how weird is that?] our other uncle's family.pak cik amrizal,mak cik imas and their daughter kak vita,the tall and slender former model.wahh,she's pretty.talk-talk somemore for a bit and lights off,end off day one. [uish,terlebih panjang lak day one nie nye story,huhu.]
DAY TWO 25 january 2009bestnye dapat tidur dengan aman.rase cam dah lama aku tak dapat sleep as soundly as i slept last night.bangun pagi dan breakfast yang sungguh enak sekali.i will upload the picture later.note: aku sangat tidak ada mood untuk meng-snapp picture banyak-banyak,aku hanya meng-snapp gambar-gambar makanan sahaja.huhu.kate food journey kans.rencana hari ini,melawat ke Taman Mini Indonesia.lebih kurang cam Taman Mini Malaysia la jugak tapi ia dibuka pada tahun 1988 dan lebih besar,around 60hektar.ade model-model rumah tradisional [bukan replika,boleh live in punye,comel.] ade museums and many more.our 'touguide' kak alia gave soo many useful informations,haha.we go visit one of the many museums there,Muzium keprajuritan.banyak perkara baru yang aku belajar.fact: Do you that Indonesia gain their independence by fighting?.bukan cam Malaysia yang gain our independence by discussing it with the British.kat muzium tue,ade banyak statues dan cerita tentang perjuangan penduduk tempatan demi mendapatkan kemerdekaan.dan to my surprise,ade a few pahlawan-pahlawan kemerdekaannya merupakan kaum wanita.haha.sebagai seorang wanita,aku berasa sangat berbangga.before this,i just know about Raden Ajeng Kartini [she got the same birthday as i am] dia seorang pejuang untuk hak pendidikan bagi wanita.sekarang aku tau lebih ramai pahlawan-pahlawan wanita yang lain,namely:
Cut Nyak Meutia,Dewi Sartika and many other more yang aku kurang ingat.huhu.tapi konklusi pengajaran yang aku dapat through my visit to this museum is erti kemerdekaan bagi rakyat di Indonesia mungkin agak berbeza dengan kita di Malaysia.mungkin jiwa patriotik mereka lebih kuat.well,they do fight by their own limbs for the independence.di negara kita juga begitu tapi towards the independence time,our way of gaining the independence is more diplomatic.both diplomatic and fighting give different effects.aku agak semangat kerana,aku baru mengetahui yang cara Indonesia mendapatkan kemerdekaan mereka adalah denagn cara berlawan.aku ingat sama je cam kat Tanah Melayu.haha.aku juga belajar banyak tentang sejarah dan susur galur keluarga aku sendiri.
very interesting info yang aku dapat.setelah penat berjalan-jalan kat Taman Mini Malaysia tue,kami pun make our move to lunch.Nasi Padang Sederhana.pergh,best giler.the food was divine.the taste is different than the Nasi Padang we used to eat in Sari Ratu,Kampung Pandan.maybe the enviroment kot.haha.then we head home to rest for a lilttle bit before heading to the mall.around evening we head to the Pondok Indah Mall.our kak ingkan said Pondok Indah is like Beverly Hills.hmm?true?yup.all the high-class people shops there.first we head to the hugest arcade i ever seen for my brother and his new partner in crime,Raffi.spend quite a long time there.then we shop around.i got myself the new Sheila on7's album.wahhh,bestnye.i always adore their music.sangat refreshing.dan got myself a new storybook,title: Dream Girl.will upload the pictures later.pulang ke rumah for dinner.wahh,again sangat sedap.mak tuo is a great cook i tell you.hahas.hang around with kak alia,my sis and my mum [surprise?hahas.] for a while and lights off end of day two.
DAY THREE 26 january 2009wake up very early [awal la for people cam aku] to pack our bags and head to pak cik Amrizal's house.and not to mention its pak tuo's 69th birthday.whoa..thats a big number.semoga panjang umurnya ya.another hunormous spread of breakfast on the dining table.i like..then we bid our cousins and uncle/aunty good bye to head to Tanah Abang with pakcik Amrizal and Makcik Imas for another shopping spree.hahas.the price was ridiculously cheap! and the clothes were soo cute.talk about,wardobe renovation! finally,i got myself 3 tops,a handbag and a few scarfs.aku sangat menyukai.mak aku yang shops like hell.tak pernah aku tengok die camni.haha.my sis?hmm,mungkin takde yang berkenan di hati nya kot.surprisingly,my dad tak merungut sikit pun.selalunya die bising-bising suruh cepat la ape la.and we got a very good price for all the stuff we bought coz my makcik Imas is really good at bargaining.haha.gotta learn the skills lah.then after taht we go lunch.again,nasi padang.haha.great meal.i had soto padang.wuhuhu.sangat sedp.aku memang suka soto tapi the one yang baku selalu makan is soto jawa timur.nanti aku nak wat tour and try all the soto there are in Indonesia.hahas.tapi soto kat Malaysia nie aku tak minat sangat.too bad..and we bought deserts; serabi and lopes.haha.sweet tooth.we head to makcik Imas house to call it a day.there we met abg kiki wit wife kak luzi,kak tia wit husband and kak vita again.also met lil Kenzi and lil Auraa.soo kiut.sampai rase nak campak kat laut.haha.chit and chat some more and lights off end of day three.
DAY FOUR 28 January 2009
tidur agak terganggu seawal 6:30pagi,aduhh.kak vita and kak tia nak pergi kerja."daadaa,sampai ketemu ya?" insyaallah nanti kak vita akan visit kitorang pulak,same case as kak alia la.boleh-boleh,bagi tour for you guys special nye.haha.start packing-packing to catch the plane back to kuala lumpur.wahh,pilu je rase bile nak balik.haha.another spread of goodness for breakfast.haha.then we're off to the airport around 10-ish then board to the plane around 1:10pm.tak shopping kat airport pun.mama kate "too much" lagipun,barang-barang dijual dala USD.soo,kinda expensive la jugak.aaa,excited pulak nak balik KL jumpa friends and boyfriend!!!hahas.kelakar je.touched down in KL around 7-ish.alhamdulilah selamat sampai.
